TMJ Treatments

TMJ -The temporomandibular joints are complex joints and jaw muscles. TMJ disorders affect the joints and muscles making it difficult to open and close your mouth. These joints are present on either side of your head. The primary functions of these joints are that they work together during chewing, speaking, swallowing, etc. TMJ also controls the lower jaw movement f- forward, backward, and side to side. It is essential to understand that the TMJ joint is different from other body joints because it involves hinge and sliding motions.

It is advised to eat softer foods and avoid eating gum in case you are diagnosed with TMJ disorder. If pain persists, use a heat pack for comfort. It is to be noted here that while some TMJ disorders resolve on their own, others may not. Hence it is necessary for proper examination from your physician.

Signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder include:

  • Radiating pain in face, jaw or neck
  • Painful clicking or popping of the jaw joint
  • Tenderness in jaw
  • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing
  • Difficulty in opening and closing mouth
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